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Exam IIA-CIA-Part1 topic 2 question 30 discussion

Actual exam question from IIA's IIA-CIA-Part1
Question #: 30
Topic #: 2
[All IIA-CIA-Part1 Questions]

A bank uses a risk analysis matrix to quantify the relative risk of auditable entities. The analysis involves rating auditable entities on risk factors using a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 representing the greatest risk. A partial list of risk factors and the ratings given to three of the bank's departments is provided below:

Department -

Risk Factor -

A -

B -

C -

Control structure -

Nature of assets in department -

Dollar value of assets -

Complexity of transactions -
Which of the following statements regarding risk in the departments is true?

  • A. As compared to departments A and C, department B has a stronger control system to compensate for the greater complexity of the department's transactions and dollar value of its assets.
  • B. The internal audit activity should schedule audits of department B more often than audits of department C because of the relative control strength of department C as compared to department B.
  • C. The nature of department A's control structure may be justified by the nature of the department's assets and the complexity of its transactions.
  • D. The relative ranking of the departments in order of their risk, from greatest to least risk, is: A; C; B.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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