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Exam CIPT topic 1 question 92 discussion

Actual exam question from IAPP's CIPT
Question #: 92
Topic #: 1
[All CIPT Questions]

Implementation of privacy controls for compliance with the requirements of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is necessary for all the following situations EXCEPT?

  • A. A virtual jigsaw puzzle game marketed for ages 5-9 displays pieces of the puzzle on a handheld screen. Once the child completes a certain level, it flashes a message about new themes released that day.
  • B. An interactive toy copies a child's behavior through gestures and kid-friendly sounds. It runs on battery power and automatically connects to a base station at home to charge itself.
  • C. A math tutoring service commissioned an advertisement on a bulletin board inside a charter school. The service makes it simple to reach out to tutors through a QR-code shaped like a cartoon character.
  • D. A note-taking application converts hard copies of kids' class notes into audio books in seconds. It does so by using the processing power of idle server farms.
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2 months ago
Selected Answer: A
A and C don't collect children data
upvoted 1 times
7 months ago
Selected Answer: C
C. A math tutoring service commissioned an advertisement on a bulletin board inside a charter school. The service makes it simple to reach out to tutors through a QR-code shaped like a cartoon character. Explanation: COPPA applies to services that directly collect personal information from children under 13 online. An advertisement on a bulletin board does not involve online collection or processing of children's personal information.
upvoted 2 times
1 year ago
Option C: A math tutoring service commissioned an advertisement on a bulletin board inside a charter school. The service makes it simple to reach out to tutors through a QR-code shaped like a cartoon character. This option describes an offline advertising method that does not involve online data collection or interaction. It simply promotes a service and provides contact information, which does not fall under the purview of COPPA. Your explanations of the other options are also accurate. Options A, B, and D all involve online activities or services that collect or use children’s data, and thus would require compliance with COPPA. Always remember that the specific requirements of COPPA can vary depending on the context and the specific needs of the users.
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 8 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B is the only one with no online connection so no data is being shared.
upvoted 2 times
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C (25%)
B (20%)
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