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Exam CIPT topic 1 question 182 discussion

Actual exam question from IAPP's CIPT
Question #: 182
Topic #: 1
[All CIPT Questions]

Ivan is a nurse for a home healthcare service provider in the US. The company has implemented a mobile application which Ivan uses to record a patient's vital statistics and access a patient's health care records during home visits. During one visit, Ivan is unable to access the health care application to record the patient’s vitals. He instead records the information on his mobile phone's note-taking application to enter the data in the health care application the next time it is accessible. What would be the best course of action by the IT department to ensure the data is protected on his device?

  • A. Provide all healthcare employees with mandatory annual security awareness training with a focus on the health information protection.
  • B. Complete a SWOT analysis exercise on the mobile application to identify what caused the application to be inaccessible and remediate any issues.
  • C. Adopt mobile platform standards to ensure that only mobile devices that support encryption capabilities are used.
  • D. Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) to enforce company security policies and configuration settings.
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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Selected Answer: D
D. Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) to enforce company security policies and configuration settings.
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B (20%)
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