Definitely A, validated by using the show checkpoint command
switch# show checkpoint
startup-config startup User 2023-11-06T18:17:47Z Virtual.10.12.0006
CPC20231106175953_SW4_X86-64 latest System 2023-11-06T17:59:53Z Virtual.10.12.0006
A startup configuration is stored in the nonvolatile memory of a device, which means that all configuration changes are saved even if the device loses power. To copy your running configuration into the startup configuration you need to type the command copy running-configuration startup-configuration.
Correct Answer: A
A is incorrect as that command is the wrong way around, it would copy the startup to the running config.
B is incorrect as that would copy it to a checkpoint named startup-config (never actually tried that out but its definitely not the correct way.
The others dont exist...
So the question has probably been copied incorrectly
To save your configuration on an Aruba AOS-CX switch so that your changes automatically load on the next reboot, you need to use the "write memory" command or the "copy running-config startup-config" command.
Both of these commands will save the running configuration to the non-volatile memory of the switch, which means that the configuration changes will persist across reboots.
The "write memory" command is a legacy command that has been carried over from previous versions of ArubaOS. It saves the current running configuration to the startup configuration file, which is loaded at boot time.
The "copy running-config startup-config" command is a newer command that achieves the same result. It copies the current running configuration to the startup configuration file, which is also loaded at boot time.
A. Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration or to a new checkpoint. If the startup configuration is already present, the command overwrites the existing startup configuration.
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