Implicit dependencies are the primary way that Terraform understands the relationships between your resources. Sometimes there are dependencies between resources that are not visible to Terraform, however. The depends_on argument is accepted by any resource or module block and accepts a list of resources to create explicit dependencies for.
Answer is B.
Most of the time, Terraform infers dependencies between resources based on the configuration given, so that resources are created and destroyed in the correct order. Occasionally, however, Terraform cannot infer dependencies between different parts of your infrastructure, and you will need to create an explicit dependency with the depends_on argument.
Answer: B
"Most of the time, Terraform infers dependencies between resources based on the configuration given, so that resources are created and destroyed in the correct order"
B is correct
implicit decencies trfm can manage without depends on command, for example in AWS eip resource will be dependent on the Ec2 creation, so trfm will first create the Ec2 and then eip will be allocated/created. and eip creation will be after the creation of Ec2.
I believe A is the correct answer.
"Use the depends_on meta-argument to handle hidden resource or module dependencies that Terraform cannot automatically infer. You only need to explicitly specify a dependency when a resource or module relies on another resource's behavior but does not access any of that resource's data in its arguments."
Manage explicit dependencies
Implicit dependencies are the primary way that Terraform understands the relationships between your resources. Sometimes there are dependencies between resources that are not visible to Terraform, however. The depends_on argument is accepted by any resource or module block and accepts a list of resources to create explicit dependencies for.
I was wrong i have checked it again - Terraform cannot infer dependencies between different parts of your infrastructure, and you will need to create an explicit dependency with the depends_on argument.
A is correct answer
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