You have declared a variable called var.list which is a list of objects that all have an attribute id. Which options will produce a list of the IDs? (Choose two.)
A splat expression provides a more concise way to express a common operation that could otherwise be performed with a for expression.
Here's an example:
Assume you have the following variable declaration:
variable "users" {
default = [
id = "id1"
name = "name1"
id = "id2"
name = "name2"
id = "id3"
name = "name3"
You can retrieve the list of IDs in your Terraform configuration using either of these options:
output "users_splat" {
value = var.users[*].id
output "users_for" {
value = [for user in var.users :]
Both these outputs will produce the same list of IDs: ["id1", "id2", "id3"].
he correct options that will produce a list of the IDs are B and D:
Option B, var.list[*].id, uses the splat operator [*] to iterate over all elements of the var.list list and then accesses the id attribute of each object. The result is a list of all the id values.
Option D, [ for o in var.list : ], uses a list comprehension to iterate over each object in the var.list list and create a new list that contains only the id attribute of each object.
B. var.list[*].id and D. [ for o in var.list : ].
To produce a list of IDs from a list of objects with an id attribute, you can use either of the following options:
var.list[*].id: This uses the [*] wildcard to select all elements of the var.list list, and the .id syntax to select the id attribute of each element. This will produce a list of IDs.
[ for o in var.list : ]: This uses a for expression to iterate over each element of var.list, selecting the id attribute of each element. This will produce a list of IDs.
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