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Exam Professional Machine Learning Engineer topic 1 question 142 discussion

Actual exam question from Google's Professional Machine Learning Engineer
Question #: 142
Topic #: 1
[All Professional Machine Learning Engineer Questions]

You have built a model that is trained on data stored in Parquet files. You access the data through a Hive table hosted on Google Cloud. You preprocessed these data with PySpark and exported it as a CSV file into Cloud Storage. After preprocessing, you execute additional steps to train and evaluate your model. You want to parametrize this model training in Kubeflow Pipelines. What should you do?

  • A. Remove the data transformation step from your pipeline.
  • B. Containerize the PySpark transformation step, and add it to your pipeline.
  • C. Add a ContainerOp to your pipeline that spins a Dataproc cluster, runs a transformation, and then saves the transformed data in Cloud Storage.
  • D. Deploy Apache Spark at a separate node pool in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. Add a ContainerOp to your pipeline that invokes a corresponding transformation job for this Spark instance.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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Highly Voted 2 years, 2 months ago
Selected Answer: C
This will allow to reuse the same pipeline for different datasets without the need to manually preprocess and transform the data each time.
upvoted 7 times
Highly Voted 1 year, 7 months ago
Selected Answer: C
Since the data is stored in Parquet format, it's more efficient to use Spark to transform it. Containerizing the PySpark transformation step and adding it to the pipeline may not be the optimal solution since it may require additional resources to run this container. Deploying Apache Spark at a separate node pool in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster and adding a ContainerOp to invoke a corresponding transformation job for this Spark instance is also a possible solution, but it may require more setup and configuration. Using Dataproc can simplify this process since it's a fully managed service that simplifies running Apache Spark and Hadoop clusters. A ContainerOp can be added to the pipeline to spin up a Dataproc cluster, run the transformation using PySpark, and save the transformed data in Cloud Storage. This solution is more efficient since Dataproc can scale the cluster based on the size of the data and the complexity of the transformation.
upvoted 6 times
Most Recent 1 year, 7 months ago
Selected Answer: B
you can conteinerize the transformation and then save to google storage
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 6 months ago
it is not the most efficient and scalable solution when working with big data in the context of Google Cloud.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 9 months ago
Selected Answer: C
https://kubeflow-pipelines.readthedocs.io/en/stable/source/kfp.dsl.html#kfp.dsl.ContainerOp https://medium.com/@vignesh093/running-preprocessing-and-ml-workflow-in-kubeflow-with-google-dataproc-84103a9ef67e
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 11 months ago
Selected Answer: C
C. Add a ContainerOp to your pipeline that spins a Dataproc cluster, runs a transformation, and then saves the transformed data in Cloud Storage. The recommended approach to parametrize the model training in Kubeflow Pipelines would be to add a ContainerOp to the pipeline that spins up a Dataproc cluster, runs the PySpark transformation step, and saves the transformed data in Cloud Storage. This approach allows for easy integration of PySpark transformations with Kubeflow Pipelines while taking advantage of the scalability and efficiency of Dataproc.
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 11 months ago
Selected Answer: B
All the wrong answers on this site really baffle me...correct answer is B... you must containerize your component for Kubeflow to run it. https://www.kubeflow.org/docs/components/pipelines/v1/sdk/component-development/#containerize-your-components-code
upvoted 6 times
3 months ago
The doc you linked literally says to use ContainerOp in the documentation. The answer is C.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 11 months ago
C. Add a ContainerOp to your pipeline that spins a Dataproc cluster, runs a transformation, and then saves the transformed data in Cloud Storage. The recommended approach to parametrize the model training in Kubeflow Pipelines would be to add a ContainerOp to the pipeline that spins up a Dataproc cluster, runs the PySpark transformation step, and saves the transformed data in Cloud Storage. This approach allows for easy integration of PySpark transformations with Kubeflow Pipelines while taking advantage of the scalability and efficiency of Dataproc.
upvoted 3 times
2 years, 1 month ago
Selected Answer: C
Answer C
upvoted 2 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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