You have written unit tests for a Kubeflow Pipeline that require custom libraries. You want to automate the execution of unit tests with each new push to your development branch in Cloud Source Repositories. What should you do?
Write a script that sequentially performs the push to your development branch and executes the unit tests on Cloud Run.
Using Cloud Build, set an automated trigger to execute the unit tests when changes are pushed to your development branch.
Set up a Cloud Logging sink to a Pub/Sub topic that captures interactions with Cloud Source Repositories. Configure a Pub/Sub trigger for Cloud Run, and execute the unit tests on Cloud Run.
Set up a Cloud Logging sink to a Pub/Sub topic that captures interactions with Cloud Source Repositories. Execute the unit tests using a Cloud Function that is triggered when messages are sent to the Pub/Sub topic.
B. GCP recommends to use Cloud Build when building KubeFlow Pipelines. It's possible to run unit tests in Cloud Build. And, the others seems overly complex/unnecessary
B makes sense because of this:
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