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Exam Associate Cloud Engineer topic 1 question 44 discussion

Actual exam question from Google's Associate Cloud Engineer
Question #: 44
Topic #: 1
[All Associate Cloud Engineer Questions]

You need to select and configure compute resources for a set of batch processing jobs. These jobs take around 2 hours to complete and are run nightly. You want to minimize service costs. What should you do?

  • A. Select Google Kubernetes Engine. Use a single-node cluster with a small instance type.
  • B. Select Google Kubernetes Engine. Use a three-node cluster with micro instance types.
  • C. Select Compute Engine. Use preemptible VM instances of the appropriate standard machine type.
  • D. Select Compute Engine. Use VM instance types that support micro bursting.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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Highly Voted 3 years, 10 months ago
As everyone has said the answer is C but here is the source for the information. "For example, batch processing jobs can run on preemptible instances. If some of those instances stop during processing, the job slows but does not completely stop. Preemptible instances complete your batch processing tasks without placing additional workload on your existing instances and without requiring you to pay full price for additional normal instances." srouce: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/preemptible
upvoted 65 times
Highly Voted 4 years, 4 months ago
I woud say C is the correct answer
upvoted 30 times
Most Recent 3 months, 1 week ago
Correct Answer: C
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: C
c is the correct answer, use preemptible for the compute engine
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 6 months ago
Selected Answer: C
ANSWER C. Select Compute Engine. Use preemptible VM instances of the appropriate standard machine type. Preemptible VM instances offer the lowest cost for batch processing jobs in the Google Cloud Platform. Preemptible VM instances are computed instances that can run for a maximum of 24 hours and provide no availability guarantees. Preemptible VM instances are up to 80% cheaper than standard compute instances, making them an excellent choice for batch-processing workloads that can be interrupted. The small instance type in a single-node cluster (ANSWER A) would not provide enough resources for batch processing jobs, and the micro instance types in a three-node cluster (ANSWER B) may not provide enough resources for the batch processing jobs to complete within the allotted time. VM instance types that support micro-bursting (ANSWER D) may not provide enough sustained CPU performance to complete batch processing jobs within the desired time frame.
upvoted 8 times
1 year, 12 months ago
batch processing jobs can run on preemptible instances. if some of those instances stop during processing, the job slows but does not completely stop. preemptible instances camplete your batch processing tasks without placing additional worklods on your existing instances and without requring you to pay full price for additional normal instances"
upvoted 3 times
2 years ago
hey guys tell me one important thing i am learning GCP but did not get anything i mean whatever you guys are discussing in this forum
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 9 months ago
as you said you are learning, it takes time to master
upvoted 2 times
2 years, 2 months ago
C is right . If your apps are fault-tolerant and can withstand possible instance preemptions, then preemptible instances can reduce your Compute Engine costs significantly. For example, batch processing jobs can run on preemptible instances. If some of those instances stop during processing, the job slows but does not completely stop. Preemptible instances complete your batch processing tasks without placing additional workload on your existing instances and without requiring you to pay full price for additional normal instances.
upvoted 3 times
2 years, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: C
Yup, C for batch and cost
upvoted 3 times
2 years, 3 months ago
Go for C
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 3 months ago
Go for C
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 7 months ago
I read that C is the right answer, but the question doesn't say that batch can be stopped and restarted.
upvoted 3 times
2 years, 6 months ago
Batch will not be stopped and load will be shifted to another instances.
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 9 months ago
C. Select Compute Engine. Use preemptible VM instances of the appropriate standard machine type.
upvoted 3 times
2 years, 9 months ago
Ans is C
upvoted 3 times
3 years ago
C - corectly
upvoted 2 times
3 years, 2 months ago
Option C is the correct answer
upvoted 3 times
3 years, 3 months ago
C is correct...For cost-saving & not immediate fault-tolerant workloads like batch jobs use Preemptible VM instances
upvoted 1 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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