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Exam Associate Data Practitioner topic 1 question 69 discussion

Actual exam question from Google's Associate Data Practitioner
Question #: 69
Topic #: 1
[All Associate Data Practitioner Questions]

Your organization has a BigQuery dataset that contains sensitive employee information such as salaries and performance reviews. The payroll specialist in the HR department needs to have continuous access to aggregated performance data, but they do not need continuous access to other sensitive data. You need to grant the payroll specialist access to the performance data without granting them access to the entire dataset using the simplest and most secure approach. What should you do?

  • A. Use authorized views to share query results with the payroll specialist.
  • B. Create row-level and column-level permissions and policies on the table that contains performance data in the dataset. Provide the payroll specialist with the appropriate permission set.
  • C. Create a table with the aggregated performance data. Use table-level permissions to grant access to the payroll specialist.
  • D. Create a SQL query with the aggregated performance data. Export the results to an Avro file in a Cloud Storage bucket. Share the bucket with the payroll specialist.
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Suggested Answer: A 🗳️


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1 week, 2 days ago
Selected Answer: C
The best approach is C. Create a table with the aggregated performance data. Use table-level permissions to grant access to the payroll specialist.
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B (20%)
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