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Exam Cloud Digital Leader topic 1 question 223 discussion

Actual exam question from Google's Cloud Digital Leader
Question #: 223
Topic #: 1
[All Cloud Digital Leader Questions]

An organization is considering the use of managed services when migrating to the cloud. Which routine tasks are typically provided automatically by a managed services platform?

  • A. Managing user access
  • B. Patching and upgrades
  • C. Data archiving
  • D. Cost optimization
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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12 hours, 24 minutes ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Patching and upgrades. Managed services platforms typically automate routine operational tasks, allowing organizations to focus on their core business needs. In the context of cloud migration, patching and upgrades are common tasks that managed services handle automatically. This includes applying security patches, software updates, and version upgrades to keep the system running smoothly and securely.
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12 hours, 23 minutes ago
Why the other options are incorrect: A. Managing user access: While managed services may assist with user access management (e.g., through Identity and Access Management (IAM) features), this is not typically automated as a routine task by the platform itself. User access policies and permissions are generally the responsibility of the organization. C. Data archiving: Data archiving can be automated in cloud platforms, but it's not inherently part of managed services. Data archiving often requires a separate strategy or service (like cloud storage tiers) for long-term storage. D. Cost optimization: Managed services do not automatically handle cost optimization. While some services provide insights and recommendations for cost savings, optimizing cloud costs is usually a manual process that involves monitoring, adjusting usage, and implementing best practices. Thus, B. Patching and upgrades is the task that is typically provided automatically by managed services platforms.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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