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Exam Professional Cloud Network Engineer topic 1 question 161 discussion

Actual exam question from Google's Professional Cloud Network Engineer
Question #: 161
Topic #: 1
[All Professional Cloud Network Engineer Questions]

You have the networking configuration shown in the diagram. A pair of redundant Dedicated Interconnect connections (int-Iga1 and int-Iga2) terminate on the same Cloud Router. The Interconnect connections terminate on two separate on-premises routers. You are advertising the same prefixes from the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) sessions associated with the Dedicated Interconnect connections. You need to configure one connection as Active for both ingress and egress traffic. If the active Interconnect connection falls, you want the passive Interconnect connection to automatically begin routing all traffic. Which two actions should you take to meet this requirement? (Choose two.)

  • A. Configure the advertised route priority as 200 for the BGP session associated with the active interconnect connection.
  • B. Configure the advertised route priority > 10,200 on the active Interconnect connection.
  • C. Advertise a lower MED on the active Interconnect connection from the on-premises router.
  • D. Advertise a lower MED on the passive Interconnect connection from the on-premises router.
  • E. Configure the advertised route priority as 200 for the BGP session associated with the passive Interconnect connection.
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6 days, 6 hours ago
Selected Answer: CE
C and E follow Google Cloud best practices for active/passive Dedicated Interconnect setup. (C) Advertise a lower MED on the active Interconnect connection from the on-premises router. -Controls ingress traffic (traffic entering Google Cloud). -A lower MED value makes the on-premises routers prefer the active Interconnect. (E) Configure the advertised route priority as 200 for the BGP session associated with the passive Interconnect connection. -Controls egress traffic (traffic leaving Google Cloud). -A lower priority (higher number) for the passive connection ensures it is only used if the active connection fails. Why not (A)? (A) sets a lower priority for the active connection, but best practices recommend setting a lower priority for the passive connection (E) to ensure failover.
upvoted 1 times
1 month ago
Selected Answer: CD
to address what is being asked, we need to advertise lower MED for active and passive interconnects. The diagram shows the BGP sessions between on-prem and cloud routers which uses MED. Which is why we need to set the MED values to direct the routing flow. https://cloud.google.com/network-connectivity/docs/router/how-to/configuring-bgp
upvoted 1 times
3 months ago
Selected Answer: CE
The default Priority is 100, it doesn't make sense to give a priority of 200 or more than 99 to the active link. 200 should be the priority for the passive link then.
upvoted 2 times
4 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: CE
will say C & E the passiv connection needs to have a higher MED number than the active so setting the passiv to 200 means that the active needs to be sat to under 200
upvoted 2 times
5 months ago
A&E Default base priority is 100: https://cloud.google.com/network-connectivity/docs/router/how-to/updating-priority
upvoted 1 times
5 months ago
I mean C & E
upvoted 1 times
5 months, 1 week ago
The base priority is 100. there is no region to region cost. So you want to set the base priority of the passive interconnect to 200 and keep the active one default of 100. the MED will be 100 for active and 200 for passive. A&E are the answers https://cloud.google.com/network-connectivity/docs/router/concepts/overview
upvoted 3 times
5 months ago
I think A&E correct
upvoted 1 times
5 months ago
Sorry, A&C
upvoted 1 times
4 months, 2 weeks ago
It's possible I meant to say C&E
upvoted 1 times
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: AC
Agree, A&C
upvoted 1 times
6 months ago
Selected Answer: AC
Advertised router priority is a value sent to Cloud router -> lower mans higher priority. Set the active to prioritt of 200, it gives more priority to the passive (default is 1001). Same per MED -> lower is MED value, more priority you give to that connection. So, if you choose a lower MED value for the active connection, means that you are giving preference to route the traffic to the acrive one rather than the passive.
upvoted 1 times
5 months, 1 week ago
the default is 100, not 1001
upvoted 1 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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