Kevin is a Product Owner for a retail organization. The Product Backlog for his immense marketing tool project has 200 Product Backlog Items. Into what should he group the smaller Stories together?
I agree with Lulumellow and foxpo7 according to the Scrum. According to the "EXIN-Handbook for Scrum Masters and Product Owners":
You can start a product backlog with as few as four and five course-grained user
stories (Epics), and then decompose these in order of priority, with each iteration
done. ... It is advisable to stick to the 100-item rule, and as soon as you see this number
going up, see which items can be dropped from the backlog. Go through the
exercise again to combine detailed low-priority items into Epics...
If there are more than 100 items on the Product Backlog, you should combine detailed low-priority items into Epics.
To create a roadmap, it would require that you group even high-level requirements into themes and use these as a guideline to create a roadmap.
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1 year, 11 months agoLulumellow
2 years, 8 months agofoxpro7
3 years, 6 months agojuzer
4 years, 10 months ago