Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame where column managerName from DataFrame storesDF is split at the space character into column managerFirstName and column managerLastName?
A sample of DataFrame storesDF is displayed below:
(storesDF.withColumn("managerFirstName", split(col("managerName"), " ")[0]) .withColumn("managerLastName", split(col("managerName"), " ")[1]))
(storesDF.withColumn("managerFirstName", col("managerName"). split(" ")[1]) .withColumn("managerLastName", col("managerName").split(" ")[2]))
(storesDF.withColumn("managerFirstName", split(col("managerName"), " ")[1]) .withColumn("managerLastName", split(col("managerName"), " ")[2]))
(storesDF.withColumn("managerFirstName", col("managerName").split(" ")[0]) .withColumn("managerLastName", col("managerName").split(" ")[1]))
(storesDF.withColumn("managerFirstName", split("managerName"), " ")[0]) .withColumn("managerLastName", split("managerName"), " ")[1]))
split(col("managerName"), " "):
This splits the column managerName into an array of strings based on the space character.
Accessing array elements:
Using [0] extracts the first element (first name) of the resulting array.
Using [1] extracts the second element (last name) of the resulting array.
The withColumn() method is used to create new columns (managerFirstName and managerLastName) in the DataFrame.
Right answer is A as the array returned by the split function is 0-based not 1-based. You can try yourself with the following code:
df = spark.createDataFrame([('John Doe',)], ['Person',])
df2 = df \
.withColumn('first_name', split(col('Person'), ' ')[0]) \
.withColumn('last_name', split(col('Person'), ' ')[1])
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1 week, 4 days agothinkbang
2 months, 3 weeks agomax_manfred
3 months, 3 weeks agosofiess
4 months ago