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Exam Certified Associate Developer for Apache Spark topic 1 question 154 discussion

The code block shown below should return a new DataFrame where rows in DataFrame storesDF containing at least one missing value have been dropped. Choose the response that correctly fills in the numbered blanks within the code block to complete this task.

Code block:

StoresDF.__1__.__2__(__3__ = __4__)

  • A. 1. na
    2. drop
    3. subset
    4. "any"
  • B. 1. na
    2. drop
    3. how
    4. "all"
  • C. 1. na
    2. drop
    3. subset
    4. "all"
  • D. 1. na
    2. drop
    3. how
    4. "any"
  • E. 1. drop
    2. na
    3. how
    4. "any"
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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4 months ago
D. 1. na 2. drop 3. how 4. "any"
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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