Which of the following code blocks returns a DataFrame with column storeSlogan where single quotes in column storeSlogan in DataFrame storesDF have been replaced with double quotes?
A sample of DataFrame storesDF is below:
storesDF.withColumn("storeSlogan", col("storeSlogan").regexp_replace("’" "\""))
storesDF.withColumn("storeSlogan", regexp_replace(col("storeSlogan"), "’"))
storesDF.withColumn("storeSlogan", regexp_replace(col("storeSlogan"), "’", "\""))
storesDF.withColumn("storeSlogan", regexp_replace("storeSlogan", "’", "\""))
storesDF.withColumn("storeSlogan", regexp_extract(col("storeSlogan"), "’", "\""))
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2 weeks, 3 days agoSowwy1
3 months, 4 weeks agosionita
4 months, 1 week agojtu363
2 months, 2 weeks agojtu363
2 months, 2 weeks ago