Which of the following code blocks returns a new DataFrame where column sqft from DataFrame storesDF has had its missing values replaced with the value 30,000?
E is answer. It's tested.
A)AttributeError: module 'pyspark.sql.functions' has no attribute 'Seq'
B)AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'nafill'
C)PySparkTypeError: [NOT_LIST_OR_TUPLE] Argument `subset` should be a list or tuple, got Column.
D)PySparkTypeError: [NOT_LIST_OR_TUPLE] Argument `subset` should be a list or tuple, got Column.
Check fill function at scala API docs
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1 month, 4 weeks agoSamir_91
2 months agohosniadel666
4 months, 2 weeks agoazure_bimonster
6 months agotmz1
6 days agolearnsh1
6 months ago