Which of the following code blocks returns a new DataFrame with column storeReview where the pattern "End" has been removed from the end of column storeReview in DataFrame storesDF?
A sample DataFrame storesDF is below:
storesDF.withColumn("storeReview", col("storeReview").regexp_replace(" End$", ""))
storesDF.withColumn("storeReview", regexp_replace(col("storeReview"), " End$", ""))
storesDF.withColumn("storeReview”, regexp_replace(col("storeReview"), " End$"))
storesDF.withColumn("storeReview", regexp_replace("storeReview", " End$", ""))
storesDF.withColumn("storeReview", regexp_extract(col("storeReview"), " End$", ""))
the official documentation says
pyspark.sql.functions.regexp_replace(str, pattern, replacement)
Replace all substrings of the specified string value that match regexp with rep.
so I think D is the only correct option
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4 months agojtu363
8 months, 3 weeks agoSaiPavan10
10 months, 2 weeks agoazure_bimonster
1 year agosaryu
1 year ago