The code block shown below contains an error. The code block intended to read a parquet at the file path filePath into a DataFrame. Identify the error. Code block:, source – "parquet")
There is no source parameter to the load() operation – the schema parameter should be used instead.
There is no load() operation – it should be parquet() instead.
The operation should be followed by parentheses to return a DataFrameReader object.
The filePath argument to the load() operation should be quoted.
There is no source parameter to the load() operation – it can be removed.
E is correct. The "format" parameter should be used instead of "source" (default "parquet"):
format: str, optional
optional string for format of the data source. Default to ‘parquet’.
The parameters for load() function are: path, format, schema, **options
A. Overall it makes sense, but do we really need to use schema?
B. There is load operation, that's FALSE
C. read is used without parenthesis, FALSE
D. It should indeed, but there's no source parameter, FALSE
E. That's true, but we need to put quotes for the filePath, then it's FALSE
Makes it A, but the question is really strange and not clear.
Answer should be E. Removing source and default is 'parquet' anyway. However, it is not ideal to use load, rather the respective method.
1. Returns a DataFrameReader
2. we check this DataFrameReader, it contains both "load" and "parquet" methods.
2.1. for load, load(path, format, schema)
Therefore, the answer is A or E.
Typically parquet contains schema information.
I do not like this question, because if reading a parquet file, directly use
the statement "there is no load() operation" in answer B is clearly wrong as this operation exists in pyspark. E is correct answer - instead of source parameter, you should use format to achieve the same result
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