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Exam Certified Data Engineer Associate topic 1 question 43 discussion

Actual exam question from Databricks's Certified Data Engineer Associate
Question #: 43
Topic #: 1
[All Certified Data Engineer Associate Questions]

A data engineer has a Job with multiple tasks that runs nightly. Each of the tasks runs slowly because the clusters take a long time to start.
Which of the following actions can the data engineer perform to improve the start up time for the clusters used for the Job?

  • A. They can use endpoints available in Databricks SQL
  • B. They can use jobs clusters instead of all-purpose clusters
  • C. They can configure the clusters to be single-node
  • D. They can use clusters that are from a cluster pool
  • E. They can configure the clusters to autoscale for larger data sizes
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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Highly Voted 1 year, 7 months ago
D Cluster pools are a way to pre-provision clusters that are ready to use. This can reduce the start up time for clusters, as they do not have to be created from scratch. All-purpose clusters are not pre-provisioned, so they will take longer to start up. Jobs clusters are a type of cluster pool, but they are not the best option for this use case. Jobs clusters are designed for long-running jobs, and they can be more expensive than other types of cluster pools. Single-node clusters are the smallest type of cluster, and they will start up the fastest. However, they may not be powerful enough to run the Job's tasks. Autoscaling clusters can scale up or down based on demand. This can help to improve the start up time for clusters, as they will only be created when they are needed. However, autoscaling clusters can also be more expensive than other types of cluster pool
upvoted 8 times
Most Recent 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
Using cluster pools can significantly improve the start-up time of clusters in Databricks. Here's why: Cluster Pools: Cluster pools are a feature in Databricks that allow clusters to share a pool of pre-warmed, idle virtual machines (VMs). When a new cluster is created, instead of starting a new VM from scratch, it can quickly acquire a pre-warmed instance from the pool. This leads to faster cluster startup times, which is especially helpful for jobs with multiple tasks that are running nightly.
upvoted 1 times
6 months ago
Selected Answer: D
Cluster pools help to reduce cluster startup times by maintaining a pool of pre-warmed clusters that can be quickly allocated when needed. This minimizes the overhead associated with starting a new cluster from scratch, thus improving the efficiency and speed of running tasks in the Job.
upvoted 1 times
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
to be fair B might seem correct but D is more appropriate for reducing start up times
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 1 month ago
Selected Answer: D
D. They can use clusters that are from a cluster pool. Explanation: Cluster Pools: Cluster pools in Databricks allow for the pre-creation and management of clusters in a pool that are readily available for use. With cluster pools, clusters are pre-initialized and kept in a ready state, minimizing the startup time when tasks need to run. This reduces the overhead of cluster initialization as the clusters are already provisioned and waiting for the tasks to be assigned. Using clusters from a pool ensures that there is no wait time for cluster initialization when the tasks start running in the nightly Job. This approach significantly reduces the time taken for clusters to start, thereby improving the overall performance and efficiency of the tasks by minimizing the overhead of cluster startup delays.
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 3 months ago
Selected Answer: D
They must use clusters from a pool if they want to reduce the startup time.
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 5 months ago
Selected Answer: D
D. They can use clusters that are from a cluster pool. To improve startup time for the clusters used for the Job, the data engineer can configure the clusters to be sourced from a cluster pool. Cluster pools are pre-allocated clusters that are kept in a running state, ready for use. This eliminates the need to start new clusters from scratch each time a Job runs, significantly reducing startup times. Cluster pools are designed to optimize cluster reuse, making them an efficient choice for recurring jobs like the one described in the scenario. Option D provides a practical solution to address the slow cluster startup time issue.
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 5 months ago
Selected Answer: D
You can minimize instance acquisition time by creating a pool for each instance type and Databricks runtime your organization commonly uses. SOURCE : https://docs.databricks.com/en/clusters/pool-best-practices.html
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Selected Answer: D
D: use clusters that are from a cluster pool. Using clusters from a cluster pool can improve the start-up time for the clusters used in the Job because the pool contains preconfigured and pre-started clusters that can be used immediately. This can save time and resources compared to starting new clusters for each task.
upvoted 4 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Selected Answer: D
D. They can use clusters that are from a cluster pool. Cluster pools allow you to pre-create a pool of ready-to-use clusters that can be used for running jobs, thereby eliminating the need to start new clusters each time a job runs. This can greatly reduce the startup time for each task.
upvoted 4 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B is the correct answer. Job clusters are best suited for automated tasks running on a schedule.
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 10 months ago
"Cluster pools allow us to reserve VM's ahead of time, when a new job cluster is created VM are grabbed from the pool. Note: when the VM's are waiting to be used by the cluster only cost incurred is Azure. Databricks run time cost is only billed once VM is allocated to a cluster. Use Databricks cluser pools feature to reduce the startup time"
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 10 months ago
D es la respuesta correcta
upvoted 2 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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