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Exam SK0-005 topic 1 question 104 discussion

Actual exam question from CompTIA's SK0-005
Question #: 104
Topic #: 1
[All SK0-005 Questions]

A recent power outage caused email services to go down. A server administrator also received averts from the datacenter's UPS.
After some investigation, the server administrator learned that each PDU was rated at a maximum of 12A.

Instructions -
Ensure power redundancy is implemented throughout each rack and UPS alarms are resolved. Ensure the maximum potential PDU consumption does not exceed
80% (or 9.6A).
a. PDU selections must be changed using the penal icon.
b. VM Hosts 1 and 2 and Mall Relay can be moved between racks. c. Certain devices contain additional details.
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Suggested Answer: See explanation below.
1. Mailrelay - Keep the mail relay on the existing Rack1 and change the primary power supply to PDU-B and Failover powersupply as PDU B.
2. Move the VM Host 1 and VM Host2 to Rack2.
Assign primary power supply PDU A to VM host1
Assign Failover power supply PDU B to VM host1
Assign primary power supply PDU B to VM host2
Assign Failover power supply PDU A to VM host2


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Highly Voted 2 years, 3 months ago
1. The proposed solution is wrong, as it seems, you can't change primary/secondary PDU selection on the static installments of the switches,SAN and DC. That gives PDU1 of Rack 2 a remaining capacity of 4.6A, which does not allow HOST1 (6A) to use it as primary power source (9.6A target). 2. There is no solution in case of a PDU failure in Rack 1. The combined power needed will exceed the max 12A in every case. My solution: VM Host1 -> Rack1, Primary PDU B, secondary A VM Host2 Primary PDU B, Secondary A MailRelay -> Rack2 PDU A, Secondary B This makes Rack1 13A: PDU1 7A, PDU2 6A <!FAIL in case PDU2 or PDU1 go down. Rack2 12A: PDU1 6A, PDU2 6A
upvoted 12 times
2 years, 1 month ago
So vm host2 goes to rack 2?
upvoted 2 times
4 months, 4 weeks ago
This is the correct answer. I took the exam yesterday. Rack1 Vm1 - primary A secondary B Rack 2 VM 2- primary A secondary B Mail - both A B can use but (primary B secondary A looks smoother)
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 8 months ago
We need to make utilization at 80% that is 9.6 A which seems impossible as static loads are using 12 A from PDU1 itself. PDU2 is still doable. But I am not getting for PDU1
upvoted 1 times
Most Recent 7 months, 3 weeks ago
My answer: Rack 1: SW1 (2A), pduA/pduB VM1 (6A), pduA/pduB MAIL (1A), pduB/pduA Rack1 PDU A: 13A MAX, normal load: 8A Rack1 PDU B: 13A MAX, normal load: 7A Max shutdown time: 70mins Rack 2: SW2 (2A), pduA/pduB SAN (5A), pduA/pduB DC (3A), pduB/pduA VM2 (6A), pduB/pduA Rack2 PDU A: 12A MAX, normal load: 7A Rack2 PDU B: 12A MAX, normal load: 9A Max shutdown time: 65mins
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 1 month ago
Rack1: SW1 (2A), pduA/pduB SAN (5A), pduA/pduB VM1 (6A), pduB/pduA Rack1 PDU A: 13A MAX, normal load: 7A Rack1 PDU B: 13A MAX, normal load: 6A max shutdown time: 55mins Rack2: SW2 (2A), pduA/pduB DC (3A), pduA/pduB MAIL (1A), pduA/pduB VM2 (6A), pduB/pduA Rack2 PDU A: 12A MAX, normal load: 6A Rack2 PDU B: 12A MAX, normal load: 6A max shutdown time: 65mins
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 8 months ago
Click on the panel icon of PDU 1 in Rack 1. Change the PDU selection from A to B. This will balance the power load between UPS A and UPS B and resolve the alarm on UPS A. Click on the panel icon of PDU 2 in Rack 2. Change the PDU selection from A to B. This will balance the power load between UPS A and UPS B and resolve the alarm on UPS B. Click on VM Host 1 in Rack 1 and drag it to Rack 2. Drop it below VM Host 2. This will reduce the power consumption of PDU 1 in Rack 1 from 10A to 6A, which is below the 80% threshold of 9.6A. Click on Mail Relay in Rack 2 and drag it to Rack 1. Drop it below Firewall. This will increase the power consumption of PDU 1 in Rack 1 from 6A to 8A, which is still below the 80% threshold of 9.6A, and reduce the power consumption of PDU 2 in Rack 2 from 10A to 8A, which is also below the 80% threshold of 9.6A.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 10 months ago
What about? Rack 1: SW1 (15min), VM Host 1 (20 min), Mail Relay (10min), SAN (20min) = 65 min shutdown Rack 2: SW2 (15min), VM Host 2 (20 min), DC (20min) = 55 min shutdown Rack 1: PDU A primary: SW1 (2A), SAN (5A) = 7A PDU B primary: Mail Relay (1A), VM Host 1 (6A) = 7A Rack 2: PDU A primary: SW2 (2A), DC (3A) = 5A PDU B primary: VM Host 2 (6A) = 6A
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 10 months ago
Rack 1: PDU A primary: SAN (5A), SW1 (2A) PDU A secondary: Mail Relay (1A), VM Host 1 (6A) PDU B primary: SAN (5A), SW1 (2A) PDU B secondary: Mail Relay (1A), VM Host 1 (6A) Rack 2: PDU A primary: DC (3A), SW2 (2A) PDU A secondary: VM Host 2 (6A) PDU B primary: DC (3A), SW2 (2A) PDU B secondary: VM Host 2 (6A)
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 1 month ago
Your PDU in rack 1 would exceed 13A (14A), if one of the PDUs fail. Move the mail server to rack 2 to balance the load.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 10 months ago
what answer ARE comptia looking for in this sim!?
upvoted 2 times
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