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Exam CAS-004 topic 1 question 618 discussion

Actual exam question from CompTIA's CAS-004
Question #: 618
Topic #: 1
[All CAS-004 Questions]

A medium-sized business wants to deploy laptops for remote employees. The deployment must provide higher control and authority over the devices, but also allow employees the flexibility to install their preferred software of choice. Which of the following is the best deployment option, given these requirements?

  • A. BYOD
  • B. CYOD
  • C. COPE
  • D. CO
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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5 days, 20 hours ago
Selected Answer: C
o COPE offers a higher degree of control over the devices while still providing employees with the flexibility to use them for personal purposes and install their preferred software. The company owns the devices, which allows for greater control over security policies, updates, and compliance. Employees can use these devices for both work and personal tasks, giving them the flexibility to install their preferred software within the constraints set by the company. This model strikes a balance between security and user experience.
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5 days, 20 hours ago
o B. CYOD (Choose Your Own Device): CYOD is similar to BYOD in that the devices are owned by the employees. Employees choose from a list of pre-approved devices provided by the company. This approach balances control and flexibility, but the level of control is slightly less than COPE because the devices are selected by employees, even though they are still managed by the company.
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1 month, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
CYOD allows the organization to provide a list of pre-approved devices from which employees can choose. The business retains control over the devices since they are company-owned, enabling better authority over security, configurations, and management. At the same time, employees are given the flexibility to select a device and can often install software of their choice within company-approved guidelines.
upvoted 2 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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