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Exam CAS-004 topic 1 question 442 discussion

Actual exam question from CompTIA's CAS-004
Question #: 442
Topic #: 1
[All CAS-004 Questions]

An internal security audit determines that Telnet is currently being used within the environment to manage network switches. Which of the following tools should be utilized to identify credentials in plaintext that are used to log in to these devices?

  • A. Fuzzer
  • B. Network traffic analyzer
  • C. HTTP interceptor
  • D. Port scanner
  • E. Password cracker
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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1 week, 1 day ago
Selected Answer: B
o Network traffic analyzer captures and analyzes network traffic. When Telnet connections are made, the credentials (username and password) are typically sent in plain text within the packets. By capturing and analyzing this traffic, a network traffic analyzer can reveal the plaintext credentials used for Telnet authentication.
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8 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Network traffic analyzer: A network traffic analyzer (also known as a packet sniffer or protocol analyzer) captures and inspects the data packets traveling over the network. Since Telnet transmits data, including credentials, in plaintext, a network traffic analyzer can be used to capture the packets containing the login credentials as they are sent over the network. Tools like Wireshark are commonly used for this purpose and can help identify and analyze the plaintext credentials.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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