C. From the CompTIA study guide: End of life - while the equipment or device is no longer sold, it remains supported. End of support - the last date on which the vendor will provide support and/or updates.
I'm confused.
End of life (EOL): This is the date after which a product will no longer be sold or renewed. However, it might still receive some form of support, such as security patches
End of support (EOS): This date marks the complete cessation of all support services for the product. After this date, no new patches, updates or fixes will be released, even for critical vulnerabilities
had to check on this one myself twice..
my answer is - D
here is my proof for my selection
In the context of the CompTIA SY0-701 (Security+) exam, "end of life" refers to when a specific version of the exam or a related product (like a software or hardware) is no longer officially supported by CompTIA and the manufacturer respectively, meaning no further updates, patches or security fixes will be provided.
EOL could still receive patches and updates with extended support like Windows does with its operating systems after the newer ones come out. EOS means no more updates or patches and a far more significant security concern.
End of Life (EOL) refers to the point at which a product, such as a legacy device, is no longer supported by the manufacturer. This means it stops receiving updates, patches, and other forms of support, which can pose security risks if the device continues to be used.
Look for the answers in the textbook, and read the questions with a magnifying glass. "Which of the following describes this scenario?" We are facing the End of Support. "Which of the following describes this device/system?" End of Life, but it is not the case.
ANSWER: D EOL INCLUDES EOS. and the key words here are Legacy Device. while EOS could be 6 months from manufacturing or sale date based upon a support agreement. However EOS would NOT necessarily include UPDATES and PATCHES. They are two different things.
The legacy device being decommissioned is no longer receiving updates or patches, which directly corresponds to its end of life. "End of support" focuses more on vendor support rather than the device itself being taken out of use.
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