Chef and Puppet are both configuration management tools that share several similarities, including their reliance on Ruby for scripting and configuration management tasks.
Chef uses a DSL which is based on Ruby.
Puppet uses PuppetDSL which is its own language (it used to offer a Ruby-based DSL which was discontinued in Puppet 4)
Both Chef and Puppet have out-of-the-box features that do not require you to create modules from scratch, although you can if you want to.
Chef uses a master server called a "Master node"
Puppet uses a master server called the "Puppet master"
Salt uses minions.
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1 month, 3 weeks agokirrim
2 months, 3 weeks ago17c8777
3 months, 2 weeks agoRoherd
4 months, 2 weeks agoariasse
4 months, 3 weeks ago