This is a lab item in which tasks will be performed on virtual devices.
• Refer to the Tasks tab to view the tasks for this lab item.
• Refer to the Topology tab to access the device console(s) and perform the tasks.
• Console access is available for all required devices by clicking the device icon or using the tab(s) above the console window.
• All necessary preconfigurations have been applied.
• Do not change the enable password or hostname for any device.
• Save your configurations to NVRAM before moving to the next item.
• Click Next at the bottom of the screen to submit this lab and move to the next question.
• When Next is clicked, the lab closes and cannot be reopened.
A network is configured with CoPP to protect the CORE router route processor for stability and DDoS protection. As a company policy, a class named class-default is preconfigured and must not be modified or deleted. Troubleshoot CoPP to resolve the issues introduced during the maintenance window to ensure that:
1. Dynamic routing policies are under CoPP-CRITICAL and are allowed only from the 10.10.x.x range.
2. Telnet, SSH, and ping are under CoPP-IMPORTANT and are allowed strictly to/from 10.10.x.x to the CORE router (Hint: you can verify using Loopback1).
3. All devices ping (UDP) any CORE router interface successfully to/from the 10.10.x.x range and do not allow any other IP address.
4. All devices run a successful traceroute (UDP) to any interface on the CORE router to/from the 10.10.x.x range, are under CoPP-NORMAL, and do not allow any other IP address traceroute is to be under CoPP-NORMAL (Hint: Traceroute port range 33434 33464).
3 days, 15 hours agoleipeG
3 months, 3 weeks agoleipeG
3 months, 2 weeks agojdjjoker
3 months, 4 weeks agojabal93
6 months, 1 week agoCoffee_bean_master
8 months, 3 weeks agoPietjeplukgeluk
8 months, 2 weeks agobk989
6 months agoPietjeplukgeluk
8 months, 2 weeks agobuddhagaut
1 year agoDavideDL
1 year agoDavideDL
12 months agobk989
6 months, 1 week agoT_Cos
1 year, 2 months agoleipeG
3 months, 3 weeks agoPietjeplukgeluk
8 months, 2 weeks agobk989
6 months agobk989
6 months agobk989
6 months ago[Removed]
1 year, 1 month ago[Removed]
1 year, 1 month agoaqwsdfghjklp
1 year, 1 month ago[Removed]
1 year, 2 months ago