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Exam 300-730 topic 1 question 128 discussion

Actual exam question from Cisco's 300-730
Question #: 128
Topic #: 1
[All 300-730 Questions]

Refer to the exhibit.

An engineer has configured a spoke to connect to a FlexVPN hub. The tunnel is up, but pings fail when the engineer attempts to reach host behind the spoke, and traffic is sourced from host, which is behind the FlexVPN server. Based on packet captures, the engineer discovers that host receives the icmp echo and sends an icmp reply that makes it to the inside interface of the spoke. Based on the output in the exhibit captured on the spoke by the engineer, which action resolves this issue?

  • A. Add the aaa authorization group cert list default default command to the spoke ikev2 profile.
  • B. Add the route set remote ipv4 command to the hub authorization policy.
  • C. Add the aaa authorization group cert list default default command to the hub ikev2 profile.
  • D. Add the route set remote ipv4 command to the spoke authorization policy.
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Suggested Answer: B 🗳️


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3 days, 23 hours ago
Selected Answer: B
FlexVPN route set remote" refers to the configuration option within a Cisco router where you specify the network routes that should be pushed to a remote FlexVPN client, essentially allowing the client to access specific networks across the VPN tunnel once connected; this is done by defining the remote network addresses on the FlexVPN server, which are then automatically added to the client's routing table when the VPN connection is established.
upvoted 1 times
4 days, 12 hours ago
With the configs provided all seems to be fine. The spokes send their internal subnet ( to the HUb and the "show crypto ikev2 sa detailed" cmd shows that the Hub sent its Internal network as well ( If Pings make it from the Hub to the Spoke and the reply stops at the inside interface then we know a few thigs: 1-Routing from the hub to spoke is correct 2- Spoke can't send the reply to hub (but routing seems to be fine). Neither B or D seems to provide a solution when you verify what is already set. I feel something must be missing on this question.
upvoted 1 times
1 month, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
First, note that from the spoke’s perspective, the **“remote”** network should be the subnet(s) behind the **hub** (that is, In the partial configuration shown, the spoke’s authorization policy mistakenly sets **** (its own LAN) as the **remote**. Consequently, the spoke does not encrypt or forward return traffic back toward, causing the ICMP echo-replies to drop. To fix this, you must tell the spoke that **** (behind the hub) is the **remote** network so that return traffic is included in the encryption domain. Therefore, the correct action is: **D. Add the `route set remote ipv4` command to the spoke authorization policy.**
upvoted 1 times
2 months ago
Selected Answer: B
On the spoke, the show crypto ikev2 sa detailed command shows "Remote subnets" from the perspective of the spoke. Here, we see: Remote subnets: and These subnets are what the spoke sees as the hub's protected internal networks. This indicates that the hub has successfully communicated to the spoke that traffic to should be encrypted. However, we do not see any mention of the spoke's own internal network ( from the hub's perspective. For the hub to understand that it needs to build a route back to the spoke for, the hub's IKEv2 authorization policy must include the route set remote command specifying the spoke’s network.
upvoted 1 times
5 months ago
Selected Answer: D
D is the only answer that makes sense
upvoted 2 times
9 months ago
D is the correct answer. look at remote subnet in show crypto result. @kylesam2017 correct. D for sure.
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 2 months ago
The correct action to resolve the issue is likely to "Add the route set remote ipv4" command to the spoke authorization policy. Here's the reasoning: 1) The source host that initiates the traffic is, which is behind the FlexVPN server (the spoke). 2) The captured ICMP echo replies from host are making it to the inside interface of the spoke. 3) If the traffic from is reaching the spoke but not making it back to the source (, it suggests a routing issue on the spoke. By adding the route set remote command for the network to the spoke's authorization policy, you inform the spoke about the network behind the FlexVPN server. This ensures that the spoke knows how to route the response traffic back to the source host, resolving the issue.
upvoted 4 times
1 year, 3 months ago
logical answer is C
upvoted 2 times
1 year, 5 months ago
Selected Answer: B
isnt B ? the command should include the local network , not remote
upvoted 3 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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