fw ctl multik set_mode 4
Firewall Priority Queue feature in each CoreXL FW instance (refer to sk105762) is fully disabled.
fw ctl multik set_mode 9
This mode also fully enables the Firewall Priority Queues feature in each CoreXL FW instance (refer to sk105762).
C is Wrong.
#fw ctl multik prioq
Current mode is On
Available modes:
0. Off
1. Evaluator-only
2. On
Choose the desired mode number: (or 3 to Quit)
# fw ctl multik prioq 2
Current mode is On
New mode is: On
is correct
To enable Dynamic Dispatcher on a Security Gateway without the Firewall Priority Queues, run the following command in Expert mode and reboot:
fw ctl multik prioq 2
This is not right.
Correct answer is not listed here.
"To enable Dynamic Dispatcher on a Security Gateway without the Firewall Priority Queues,
run the following command in Expert mode and reboot:
fw ctl multik set_mode 4"
But response is good, as :
I think same you, the correct answer is not listed here, I think the correct would be:
fw ctl multik prioq 0
No Parameters
Shows the interactive menu for configuration of the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues.
Disables the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues.
Enables the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues in the Evaluator-only mode.
Enables the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues.
fw ctl multik prioq [{0 | 1 | 2}]
Shows the interactive menu for configuration of the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues.
0 -- Disables the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues.
1 -- Enables the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues in the Evaluator-only mode.
2 -- Enables the CoreXL Firewall Priority Queues.
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2 months, 2 weeks agoAmathai1803
2 years, 12 months agolordlich
3 years agoBesnik
3 years, 4 months agobabochnik
2 years, 7 months agoPrathamesh2589
3 years, 5 months agocertcert1
3 years, 6 months agoLuis86
3 years, 8 months agoinfodumpzone
3 years, 10 months agobabochnik
2 years, 7 months agosecuritylux
3 years, 8 months agosecuritylux
3 years, 8 months agoLGP1983
1 year, 3 months agoLGP1983
1 year, 3 months ago