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Exam 156-586 All Questions

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Exam 156-586 topic 1 question 3 discussion

Actual exam question from Checkpoint's 156-586
Question #: 3
Topic #: 1
[All 156-586 Questions]

What is correct about the Resource Advisor (RAD) service on the Security Gateways?

  • A. RAD functions completely in user space. The Pattern Matter (PM) module of the CMI looks up for URLs in the cache and if not found, contact the RAD process in user space to do online categorization
  • B. RAD is completely loaded as a kernel module that looks up URL in cache and if not found connects online for categorization. There is no user space involvement in this process
  • C. RAD is not a separate module, it is an integrated function of the 'fw' kernel module and does all operations in the kernel space
  • D. RAD has a kernel module that looks up the kernel cache, notifies client about hits and misses and forwards a-sync requests to RAD user space module which is responsible for online categorization
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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2 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
If the URL is not found in the cache, the client issues an a- sync request using RAD for online categorization. The figure shows categorization process. 1. URL lookup initiated by the client. 2. URL lookup occurs in the kernel cache. 3. The kernel cache notifies the RAD kernel of hits and misses 4. RAD provides the status of the search to the client. 5. The client sends an a- sync request back to RAD if the URL was not found. 6. The a- sync request is forwarded to the RAD User space via the RAD kernel for online categorization. 7. The online detection service responds with categories and the kernel cache is updated. Source: CCTE R81.20 official study material
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B (20%)
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