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Exam CFR-310 topic 1 question 52 discussion

Actual exam question from CertNexus's CFR-310
Question #: 52
Topic #: 1
[All CFR-310 Questions]

A Linux administrator is trying to determine the character count on many log files. Which of the following command and flag combinations should the administrator use?

  • A. tr -d
  • B. uniq -c
  • C. wc -m
  • D. grep -c
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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5 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: C
C. wc -m Explanation: The wc (word count) command in Linux can be used to count characters, words, and lines. The -m flag specifically counts the number of characters in a file, which is what the administrator needs. Why the other answers are incorrect: A. tr -d: The tr command is used to translate or delete characters, but it doesn't count characters. B. uniq -c: The uniq command is used to filter out repeated lines in a file, and the -c flag counts the occurrences of each unique line, not characters. D. grep -c: The grep command with the -c flag counts the number of matching lines, not the number of characters.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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