A. Active scanning
Active scanning involves directly interacting with a target system, such as sending a ping or other network requests, to gather information. The goal is to receive a response from the target, which can help identify whether the system is active and accessible. Sending a ping and waiting for a response is a classic example of active scanning.
Why the other answers are incorrect:
B. Passive scanning: Involves gathering information without directly interacting with the target (e.g., sniffing traffic). It does not involve sending pings or expecting responses from the target.
C. Network enumeration: Refers to identifying devices or services on a network, which may involve active scanning, but the specific act of sending a ping for a response is best described by "active scanning."
D. Application enumeration: Involves identifying and probing specific applications or services running on a system, rather than simply pinging a target for network presence.
The answer is A. Active scanning.
Active scanning is a method of reconnaissance in which the attacker sends packets to the target system with the expectation of receiving a response.
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2 months, 4 weeks agoWutan
1 year, 3 months ago