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Exam ACD200 topic 1 question 80 discussion

Actual exam question from Appian's ACD200
Question #: 80
Topic #: 1
[All ACD200 Questions]

Users are experiencing slow load times when retrieving customer records with many transactions.

After using performance monitoring tools, you discover that the following interface definition is responsible for the majority of page load time:

Additionally, both queries (rule!APP_GetTransactionsWithFilters and rule!APP_GetTransactionTypeWithFilters) take approximately 25 milliseconds each to execute when you test them using the expression editor.

Which action would result in the greatest reduction in the load time for this interface component?

  • A. Prefetch transaction types and use the displayvalue() function to display the Transaction Type for each transaction.
  • B. Use a synced record for Transactions to improve the query response time for the query performed on line 6.
  • C. Avoid fetching the total count when getting transactions.
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Suggested Answer: A 🗳️


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5 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
B is the correct answer depending what kind of query method they're using
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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