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Exam ACD100 topic 1 question 73 discussion

Actual exam question from Appian's ACD100
Question #: 73
Topic #: 1
[All ACD100 Questions]

During CDT creation, when should you select the option to “Create New Version from XSD”?

  • A. When the data type (CDT) contains more than 12 fields
  • B. When the data type (CDT) is created through a Web Service
  • C. When the Data Type (CDT) Designer docs nor allow you to identify your Primary Key field
  • D. When the data type (CDT) configurations are not accessible through the Data Type (CDT) Designer
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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8 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
it aint B, CDTs can be created from XSD/Scratch/Existing table or view/Another CDT
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 4 weeks ago
Option D is correct. The below explanation is in Appian documentation. Create New Version from XSD There are some configurations for CDTs that cannot be accessed through the data type designer. If you need to modify those configurations, you can download the XSD for the data type and re-import it to create a new version of the data type. To download the XSD file for a data type, click Download XSD in the settings menu of the data type designer. The following types cannot be downloaded as XSD: Simple types Fault types created by the Call Web Service Smart Service Once you have made the necessary changes to the file, click Create New Version from XSD in the settings menu and upload the new version of the XSD
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1 year, 4 months ago
Selected Answer: B
In general, the option to "Create New Version from XSD" is most commonly used when creating a CDT that is used to consume or provide data through a Web Service. This is because the XSD file provides a standard way of describing the data structure used by the Web Service, which can be used to generate the CDT and ensure that it is consistent with the Web Service interface.
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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