You have a CSV file that contains user complaints. The file contains a column named Logged. Logged contains the date and time each complaint occurred. The data in Logged is in the following format: 2018-12-31 at 08:59.
You need to be able to analyze the complaints by the logged date and use a built-in date hierarchy.
What should you do?
Highly Voted 1 year, 10 months agoluisnc
1 year, 8 months agoSandy2010
Highly Voted 1 year, 8 months agoEndeetheanalyst
Most Recent 4 months, 2 weeks agoEndeetheanalyst
4 months, 2 weeks ago539d541
4 months, 3 weeks agorcaliandro
4 months, 3 weeks agoSindhukanchibhotla
5 months ago28485e1
10 months, 1 week agoguatemonica
10 months, 3 weeks agoDani_eL
10 months, 3 weeks agolukelin08
12 months ago08b2ddd
1 year agoasnygen
1 year agoAero_1898
1 year, 2 months agoTammy_07
1 year, 2 months agoSessiz
1 year, 2 months agoIgetmyrole
1 year, 4 months agoVijay_Krisin
1 year, 4 months ago