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Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 All Questions

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Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 topic 1 question 153 discussion

A company sells ringtones created from clips of popular songs. The files containing the ringtones are stored in Amazon S3 Standard and are at least 128 KB in size. The company has millions of files, but downloads are infrequent for ringtones older than 90 days. The company needs to save money on storage while keeping the most accessed files readily available for its users.
Which action should the company take to meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

  • A. Configure S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA) storage for the initial storage tier of the objects.
  • B. Move the files to S3 Intelligent-Tiering and configure it to move objects to a less expensive storage tier after 90 days.
  • C. Configure S3 inventory to manage objects and move them to S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-1A) after 90 days.
  • D. Implement an S3 Lifecycle policy that moves the objects from S3 Standard to S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-1A) after 90 days.
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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Highly Voted 2 years, 2 months ago
Selected Answer: D
Answer D Why Optoin D ? The Question talks about downloads are infrequent older than 90 days which means files less than 90 days are accessed frequently. Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA) needs a minimum 30 days if accessed before, it costs more. So to access the files frequently you need a S3 Standard . After 90 days you can move it to Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA) as its going to be less frequently accessed
upvoted 40 times
1 year, 6 months ago
I do not agree. The MOST cheaper option is B, because by choosing: D) Files older than 90 days will live eternally in the S3 Infrequently access layer at $0.0125/GB. B) Using Intelligent-Tiering files older than 90 days can be moved DIRECTLY to the "Archive access tier" (Glacier instant retrieval) at $0.004/GB, avoiding/skipping the "S3 Infrequently access layer". The question also seems to be according this assuption as says "and configure it to move objects to a less expensive storage tier after 90 days". https://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/?nc=sn&loc=4
upvoted 3 times
1 year, 6 months ago
I am taking back my answer, the right is D) as the "Archive access tier" check present in the "Intelligent-Tiering Archive configurations" is for "S3 Glacier flexible retrieval" which is not instant retrieval.
upvoted 8 times
9 months, 2 weeks ago
Archive Instant Access tier (automatic) If an object is not accessed for 90 consecutive days, the object moves to the Archive Instant Access tier. The Archive Instant Access tier provides low latency and high-throughput performance. --- This says it moves to instant retrieval class. Price for this is lesser than standard IA. Answer should be B
upvoted 2 times
Highly Voted 2 years, 2 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B/D seems possible answer. But, I'll go with "B". In the following table, S3 Intelligent-Tiering seems not so expansive than S3 Standard. https://aws.amazon.com/s3/pricing/?nc1=h_ls And, in the question "128KB" size is talking about S3 Intelligent-Tiering stuff.
upvoted 16 times
1 year, 8 months ago
have you tried to implement B? how do you configure Intelligent Tiering to move objects to a less expensive storage tier after 90 days? and which storage tier is this 'less expensive' ? the answer is clearly wrong ... correct answer is D
upvoted 5 times
2 years, 1 month ago
also, there are probably several ringtones which aren't popular/used. Why keep them in S3 standard? The company would save money if s3 intelligent-tiering moves the unpopular ringtones to a more cost-effective tier than s3 standard.
upvoted 2 times
2 years, 2 months ago
This link also has me going with “B.” Specifying 128 KB in size is not a coincidence. https://aws.amazon.com/s3/storage-classes/intelligent-tiering/
upvoted 6 times
2 years, 2 months ago
because of tha link it is D. There are no retrieval charges in S3 Intelligent-Tiering. S3 Intelligent-Tiering has no minimum eligible object size, but objects smaller than 128 KB are not eligible for auto tiering. These smaller objects may be stored, but they’ll always be charged at the Frequent Access tier
upvoted 1 times
2 years, 2 months ago
oh sorry it states objects are bigger than 128 KB. B is correct
upvoted 2 times
2 years, 2 months ago
S3 Intelligent tiering is used when the access frequency is not known. I think 128KB is a deflector.
upvoted 7 times
Most Recent 2 weeks, 6 days ago
Selected Answer: D
Option D is the most cost-effective solution as it leverages an S3 Lifecycle policy to automatically transition infrequently accessed files to S3 Standard-IA after 90 days, saving costs while meeting the company’s requirements.
upvoted 1 times
3 weeks, 1 day ago
Selected Answer: D
B. Mova os arquivos para o S3 Intelligent-Tiering: O S3 Intelligent-Tiering é uma solução flexível, mas tem uma pequena taxa mensal para monitorar os objetos. No caso descrito, uma política de ciclo de vida seria mais econômica para o comportamento de acesso conhecido (raros acessos após 90 dias).
upvoted 1 times
2 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: D
Why D over the other options? A. Configure S3 Standard-IA for initial storage: Not cost-effective for frequently accessed files during the first 90 days, as S3 Standard-IA is optimized for infrequent access. B. Use S3 Intelligent-Tiering: While Intelligent-Tiering is a good choice for unpredictable access patterns, it incurs a monthly monitoring fee per object. Since the company's pattern is predictable (infrequent access after 90 days), this additional cost is unnecessary. C. Use S3 inventory to manage objects manually: S3 inventory only generates reports and does not automate object transitions. Manually moving objects is less efficient and error-prone compared to automated lifecycle policies.
upvoted 2 times
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
Ans D - as well explained by rjam (1 year, 11 months ago)
upvoted 2 times
7 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
I am going with D instead of B because Intelligent-Tiering may work against you in this case. The company knows that the files are rarely accessed after 90 days. So even if a file is accessed on the 89th day, they would still want to "archive" that file the next day (again because they fully know the typical access behavior). However, Intelligent Tiering will reset the 90-day inactive clock starting on the 89th day (i.e. it will not archive the file until the 189th day assuming no other access).
upvoted 2 times
7 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
D for sure
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
You can't configure Intelligent Tiering, that is the whole point of it. It's intelligent and moves things on its own so there is no 90 day configuration you can set. Therefore D is the answer.
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 2 weeks ago
Actually scrap that. I'm changing my answer to B. You can setup Intelligent Tiering to move data to an archive after 90 days. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/storage-class-intro.html?icmpid=docs_amazons3_console#sc-dynamic-data-access https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2021/11/s3-intelligent-tiering-archive-instant-access-tier/ Also the 128KB size is perfect for Intelligent Tiering. Tricky question indeed, one of those pointless ones that doesn't really make you a better or worse AWS Engineer
upvoted 1 times
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: B
Some songs make comebacks. Lifecycle policy isn't intelligent enough to deal with a resurgence in popularity of a ringtone. 128KB in size makes files eligible for Intelligent-Tiering.
upvoted 1 times
9 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: D
Clearly option D is the correct. This is not a trick question.
upvoted 1 times
9 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: B
I think this is a kind of tricky question (B VS D) However: The Q stated "most accessed files readily available for its users." From this and correct me if I am wrong, I think B is a better solution since Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering working on "moving data to the most cost-effective access tier based on access frequency" while the S3 Standard-IA doesn't. Ref: https://aws.amazon.com/s3/storage-classes/
upvoted 1 times
10 months ago
Selected Answer: B
B. Move the files to S3 Intelligent-Tiering and configure it to move objects to a less expensive storage tier after 90 days. Explanation: S3 Intelligent-Tiering is a storage class that automatically moves objects between two access tiers: frequent access and infrequent access, based on access patterns. By configuring S3 Intelligent-Tiering to move objects to a less expensive storage tier after 90 days of infrequent access, the company can save money on storage costs while ensuring that the most accessed files remain readily available. This approach is more cost-effective than using S3 Standard-Infrequent Access (S3 Standard-IA) because it automatically adjusts storage tiers based on access patterns without the need for manual configuration or management.
upvoted 1 times
11 months ago
Selected Answer: D
Right answer is D
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Selected Answer: D
D is cheapest and managed by S3 Lifecycle policy A: Not readily available C: Wrong product B: No choice of '90 days' so you'll be paying for Intelligent Tiering unnecessarily for files to drop out of frequent access after the first 90 days.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 1 month ago
B is the correct answer Kindly follow the below link for more information as proof https://aws.amazon.com/s3/storage-classes/
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
So D is the correct answer as IA is cheaper than Intelligent tier.
upvoted 1 times
1 year, 2 months ago
The key reasons: S3 Lifecycle policies can automatically transition objects from S3 Standard to S3 Standard-IA after 90 days. S3 Standard provides high performance for frequently accessed newer files. S3 Standard-IA costs 20-30% less than S3 Standard for infrequently accessed files. This matches access patterns - high performance for new files, cost savings for older files. S3 Intelligent Tiering has higher request costs and complexity for this simple access pattern. S3 Inventory lists objects and their properties but does not directly transition objects. Lifecycle policies provide automated transitions without manual intervention.
upvoted 1 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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