An organization is using cost allocation tags to find the cost distribution of different departments and projects. One of the instances has two separate tags with the key/ value as `InstanceName/HR`, `CostCenter/HR`. What will AWS do in this case?
InstanceName is a reserved tag for AWS. Thus, AWS will not allow this tag
AWS will not allow the tags as the value is the same for different keys
AWS will allow tags but will not show correctly in the cost allocation report due to the same value of the two separate keys
AWS will allow both the tags and show properly in the cost distribution report
Suggested Answer:D🗳️
AWS provides cost allocation tags to categorize and track the AWS costs. When the user applies tags to his AWS resources, AWS generates a cost allocation report as a comma-separated value (CSV file. with the usage and costs aggregated by those tags. Each tag will have a key-value and can be applied to services, such as EC2, S3, RDS, EMR, etc. It is required that the key should be different for each tag. The value can be the same for different keys. In this case since the value is different, AWS will properly show the distribution report with the correct values.
Taken from another user in a different forum:
The key must be different for the resource whereas the value can be same for the resource. In the above case, the key is different i.e. (InstanceName, CostCenter) and the value is same (HR). Hence it is possible to tag in this approach. If at all the key name has been repeated for the same resource then the request will be rejected.
The answer is D
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