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Exam AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-C02 All Questions

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Exam AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-C02 topic 1 question 327 discussion

A DevOps engineer uses a pipeline in AWS CodePipeline. The pipeline has a build action and a deploy action for a single-page web application that is delivered to an Amazon S3 bucket. Amazon CloudFront serves the web application. The build action creates an artifact for the web application.

The DevOps engineer has created an AWS CloudFormation template that defines the S3 bucket and configures the S3 bucket to host the application. The DevOps engineer has configured a CloudFormation deploy action before the S3 action. The CloudFormation deploy action creates the S3 bucket. The DevOps engineer needs to configure the S3 deploy action to use the S3 bucket from the CloudFormation template.

Which combination of steps will meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

  • A. Add an output named BucketName to the CloudFormation template. Set the output's value to refer to the S3 bucket from the CloudFormation template. Configure the output value to export to an AWS::SSM::Parameter resource named Stackvariables.
  • B. Add an output named BucketName to the CloudFormation template. Set the output's value to refer to the S3 bucket from the CloudFormation template. Set the CloudFormation action's namespace to StackVariables in the pipeline.
  • C. Configure the output artifacts of the CloudFormation action in the pipeline to be an AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter named StackVariables. Name the artifact BucketName.
  • D. Configure the build artifact from the build action as the input to the CodePipeline S3 deploy action. Configure the deploy action to deploy to the S3 bucket by using the StackVariables.BucketName variable.
  • E. Configure the build artifact from the build action and the AWS Systems Manager parameter as the inputs to the deploy action. Configure the deploy action to deploy to the S3 bucket by using the StackVariables.BucketName variable.
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Suggested Answer: BD 🗳️


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2 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: BD
1. Define a BucketName output in the CloudFormation template and set the CloudFormation action’s namespace in the pipeline to StackVariables. 2. Use the StackVariables.BucketName variable in the S3 deploy action to specify the S3 bucket dynamically, while using the build artifact as input.
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2 months, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: BD
Option B: Adding an output to the CloudFormation template allows the pipeline to extract the S3 bucket name created during the stack deployment. Setting the namespace (StackVariables) in the CloudFormation action enables other actions in the pipeline to reference the output values using that namespace. Option D: The build artifact needs to be input to the S3 deploy action to provide the files for deployment. By using StackVariables.BucketName, the deploy action dynamically references the bucket created by the CloudFormation stack, ensuring that the files are deployed to the correct location.
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3 months ago
Selected Answer: BD
To dynamically deploy a single-page web application to an S3 bucket created by a CloudFormation deploy action in AWS CodePipeline, you should: 1. Define a BucketName output in the CloudFormation template and set the CloudFormation action’s namespace in the pipeline to StackVariables. 2. Use the StackVariables.BucketName variable in the S3 deploy action to specify the S3 bucket dynamically, while using the build artifact as input. This approach ensures the pipeline is correctly configured to handle dynamic resource creation with minimal complexity.
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B (20%)
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