The correct answer is A. The user can achieve additional dedicated capacity for the EBS I/O with an enhanced RDS option.
PIOPS stands for Provisioned IOPS. It is a feature of Amazon EBS that allows you to provision a specific amount of IOPS for your EBS volume. This can be useful for applications that require high I/O performance, such as databases.
When you create a MySQL RDS instance with PIOPS, you are essentially creating an RDS instance that uses an EBS volume with a provisioned IOPS capacity. This will give you the ability to achieve higher I/O performance for your database than you would get with a standard EBS volume.
Answer is A because of the following text in the question "will assist the user in comprehending the benefits of PIOPS".
The user knows about the extra dedicated IOPS in the A answer, but doesn't know what benefit is the by the C answer (what is the meaning of optimized EBS or configuration stacks??).
Answer C
An Amazon EBS–optimized instance uses an optimized configuration stack and provides additional, dedicated capacity for Amazon EBS I/O
A: is wrong because the last word says enhanced RDS option
RDS DB instance storage comes in two types: standard and provisioned IOPS. Standard storage is allocated on the Amazon EBS volumes and connected to the user's DB instance. Provisioned IOPS uses optimized EBS volumes and an optimized configuration stack. It provides additional, dedicated capacity for the EBS I/O.
Answer C
An Amazon EBS–optimized instance uses an optimized configuration stack and provides additional, dedicated capacity for Amazon EBS I/O
A: is wrong because the last word says enhanced RDS option isntead of EBS–optimized
thought of C and changed my mind to A, the question is "help user understand the advantage of PIOPS", it is not about how this PIOPS works, eg, what infrastructure it is using?
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