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Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 All Questions

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Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 topic 1 question 773 discussion

An ecommerce company is running a seasonal online sale. The company hosts its website on Amazon EC2 instances spanning multiple Availability Zones. The company wants its website to manage sudden traffic increases during the sale.

Which solution will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

  • A. Create an Auto Scaling group that is large enough to handle peak traffic load. Stop half of the Amazon EC2 instances. Configure the Auto Scaling group to use the stopped instances to scale out when traffic increases.
  • B. Create an Auto Scaling group for the website. Set the minimum size of the Auto Scaling group so that it can handle high traffic volumes without the need to scale out.
  • C. Use Amazon CloudFront and Amazon ElastiCache to cache dynamic content with an Auto Scaling group set as the origin. Configure the Auto Scaling group with the instances necessary to populate CloudFront and ElastiCache. Scale in after the cache is fully populated.
  • D. Configure an Auto Scaling group to scale out as traffic increases. Create a launch template to start new instances from a preconfigured Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
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Suggested Answer: D 🗳️


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Highly Voted 1 year ago
Option D
upvoted 8 times
Highly Voted 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
The most cost-effective solution is: D. Configure an Auto Scaling group to scale out as traffic increases. Create a launch template to start new instances from a preconfigured Amazon Machine Image (AMI).
upvoted 6 times
Most Recent 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
Reasons? Cost-effective scaling: Allows the company to only pay for the EC2 instances needed during peak traffic periods, automatically scaling up when necessary and scaling down when traffic subsides, which is the most cost-efficient approach. Launch template and AMI: Using a launch template with a preconfigured AMI simplifies the scaling process by ensuring new instances are quickly provisioned with the required configurations.
upvoted 2 times
8 months, 2 weeks ago
En la respuesta C : Al usar servicios como Amazon CloudFront y Amazon ElastiCache para almacenar en caché el contenido dinámico, reduciendo la carga en las instancias de Amazon EC2 y mejorando la velocidad de entrega del contenido a los usuarios finales. Esto resulta en una solución más rentable y eficiente en comparación con la respuesta D : simplemente escalar instancias de EC2 sin considerar medidas adicionales para optimizar el rendimiento y reducir los costos . Por lo que la opción correcta es la C .
upvoted 1 times
9 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: D
Cloudfront coulld be a good idea, but it seems to be a simple scaling scenario.. IMO: D
upvoted 3 times
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Don't we need a launch template? How can it just launch from AMI image
upvoted 2 times
10 months ago
Answer is D .C is not cost effective to use elasticache .Not sure if you can have ASG as the origin.
upvoted 2 times
10 months ago
Selected Answer: D
Sorry D
upvoted 2 times
10 months ago
Selected Answer: C
Option C
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 4 weeks ago
Option D bring a most cost effective
upvoted 2 times
11 months ago
Selected Answer: C
C more suitable
upvoted 1 times
12 months ago
Selected Answer: D
It's D
upvoted 3 times
Community vote distribution
A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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