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Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 All Questions

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Exam AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 topic 1 question 687 discussion

A company that uses AWS needs a solution to predict the resources needed for manufacturing processes each month. The solution must use historical values that are currently stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. The company has no machine learning (ML) experience and wants to use a managed service for the training and predictions.

Which combination of steps will meet these requirements? (Choose two.)

  • A. Deploy an Amazon SageMaker model. Create a SageMaker endpoint for inference.
  • B. Use Amazon SageMaker to train a model by using the historical data in the S3 bucket.
  • C. Configure an AWS Lambda function with a function URL that uses Amazon SageMaker endpoints to create predictions based on the inputs.
  • D. Configure an AWS Lambda function with a function URL that uses an Amazon Forecast predictor to create a prediction based on the inputs.
  • E. Train an Amazon Forsecast predictor by using the historical data in the S3 bucket.
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Suggested Answer: DE 🗳️


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Highly Voted 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: AB
"Amazon Forecast is no longer available to new customers. Existing customers of Amazon Forecast can continue to use the service as normal" "After careful consideration, we have made the decision to close new customer access to Amazon Forecast, effective July 29, 2024." This question will either be removed or reformulated to exclude Forecast as the service is no longer available to new customers.
upvoted 8 times
1 month, 1 week ago
I agree: this is probably an old questions, but I think answer was D,E Otherwise you need three options: A,B and C (to create predictions)
upvoted 1 times
Highly Voted 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: DE
Because of these assertions - The company has no machine learning (ML) experience - The comapny wants to use a managed service We could tempted to go for SageMaker that is the core AWS managed service for ML purposes . But, but, if we consider this valuable information: - A company that uses AWS needs a solution to predict the resources needed for manufacturing processes. With a bit research, we will find out that AWS also hold time-series forecasting service based on machine learning (ML). https://aws.amazon.com/forecast/?nc1=h_ls So i understand options DE are the best answers enven thought this service is not mentionned anywhere in current SAA-C03 course version
upvoted 5 times
Most Recent 1 month ago
Selected Answer: DE
D. Configure an AWS Lambda function with a function URL that uses an Amazon Forecast predictor to create a prediction based on the inputs. Amazon Forecast is a managed service specifically designed for time series forecasting and can be used without extensive ML knowledge. This option allows for easy integration with Lambda for making predictions. E. Train an Amazon Forecast predictor by using the historical data in the S3 bucket. This option is essential for creating the forecasting model using the historical data stored in S3. Amazon Forecast is designed to handle this type of task and is user-friendly for those without ML experience.
upvoted 2 times
1 month, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: DE
Amazon Forecast is no longer available to new customers as of July 29, 2024. However, for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (SAA-C03) exam, Amazon Forecast may still appear as a valid service since the exam content often lags behind recent announcements. Since the company has no ML expertise, A B C are all out, because they require prior SageMaker knowledge. That would make the answers: D & E. But IRL (in real life, not a web service), you must consider SageMaker Canvas, because it "includes the key capabilities found in Forecast, including the ability to train an ensemble of forecasting models using both statistical and neural network algorithms. It creates the best model for your dataset by generating base models for each algorithm, evaluating their performance, and then combining the top-performing models into an ensemble".
upvoted 2 times
1 week, 6 days ago
We should reword the DE as below: Train a time series forecasting model using Amazon SageMaker Canvas with the historical data in the S3 bucket. SageMaker Canvas allows you to import data directly from Amazon S3, prepare the dataset, and train time series forecasting models through its intuitive interface. Configure an AWS Lambda function with a function URL that uses the SageMaker Canvas model to create predictions based on the inputs. After training the model, you can deploy it and use an AWS Lambda function to invoke the model endpoint for generating predictions programmatically.
upvoted 1 times
1 month, 3 weeks ago
upvoted 2 times
4 months ago
so what about AB since the Forcase is no logner available to new customers?
upvoted 3 times
4 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: AB
Amazon Forecast is no longer available to new customers. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/transition-your-amazon-forecast-usage-to-amazon-sagemaker-canvas/
upvoted 4 times
8 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: DE
Amazon forecast can be trained by using data from S3: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/forecast/latest/dg/getting-started.html
upvoted 3 times
9 months, 4 weeks ago
Selected Answer: BE
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer: BE
SageMaker and Forecast can directly utilize data within an S3 B) E) https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/build-workflows-for-amazon-forecast-with-aws-step-functions/ https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/latest/dg/train-model.html
upvoted 1 times
10 months, 3 weeks ago
Selected Answer: AB
A + B dude
upvoted 2 times
11 months, 1 week ago
Selected Answer: AB
Yes, exactly. Steps B and A together constitute a comprehensive solution: - Step B involves using Amazon SageMaker to train a machine learning model using historical data stored in the S3 bucket. - Step A involves deploying the trained model as a SageMaker endpoint, allowing for real-time inference on new data. This combination leverages Amazon SageMaker's managed services for both training and inference, meeting the company's requirements efficiently.
upvoted 4 times
11 months, 1 week ago
A & B: B. Amazon SageMaker is a managed service that provides built-in algorithms and tools for training machine learning models. You can use SageMaker to train a model using historical data stored in an S3 bucket. This meets the requirement of utilizing a managed service for training the model without requiring machine learning experience. A. Once the model is trained using SageMaker, you can deploy it by creating a SageMaker endpoint for inference. This endpoint allows you to make predictions based on new data, fulfilling the requirement of predicting resources needed for manufacturing processes each month.
upvoted 3 times
12 months ago
Selected Answer: DE
*E*: Amazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses machine learning (ML) to generate highly accurate forecasts without requiring any prior ML experience. Forecast is applicable in a wide variety of use cases, including estimating product demand, energy demand, workforce planning, computing cloud infrastructure usage, traffic demand, supply chain optimization, and financial planning. *D*: Publish demand using AWS Lambda, AWS Step Functions, and Amazon CloudWatch Events rule to periodically (hourly) query the database and write the past X-months (count from the current timestamp) demand data into the source Amazon S3. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/automating-your-amazon-forecast-workflow-with-lambda-step-functions-and-cloudwatch-events-rule/
upvoted 4 times
12 months ago
Selected Answer: BD
B & D is the right choice
upvoted 2 times
12 months ago
Selected Answer: DE
My votes are for DE based on statement from AWS site: "Alternatively, if you are looking for a fully managed service to deliver highly accurate forecasts, without writing code, we recommend checking out Amazon Forecast. Amazon Forecast is a time-series forecasting service based on machine learning (ML) and built for business metrics analysis." https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/deep-demand-forecasting-with-amazon-sagemaker/
upvoted 3 times
12 months ago
Why E?
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
Explanation: Training the Model with SageMaker (Option B): Use Amazon SageMaker to train a machine learning model based on historical data. SageMaker simplifies the process of training, deploying, and managing machine learning models. Creating Predictions with Amazon Forecast (Option D): Use Amazon Forecast to create a predictor based on historical data. Forecast is designed for time-series forecasting, making it suitable for predicting resources needed for manufacturing processes each month. Combining SageMaker for training and Amazon Forecast for predictions provides a comprehensive solution, and AWS Lambda can be used to integrate these services into your workflow.
upvoted 5 times
10 months, 1 week ago
combination of steps so it cannot be B,D. B D is two different solution
upvoted 1 times
1 year ago
BE looks correct
upvoted 3 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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