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Exam ACA-Cloud1 topic 1 question 11 discussion

Actual exam question from Alibaba's ACA-Cloud1
Question #: 11
Topic #: 1
[All ACA-Cloud1 Questions]

When using Alibaba Cloud SLB, you can set different weights for backend ECS instances. The higher the weight of a backend ECS instance, the more load will be assigned to it. If an SLB instance has 5 ECS instances in the backend server pool, all of which are healthy. Among these 5 ECS instances, the weight of ecs_inst1 is set to 100. Which of the following statements is correct?

  • A. We do not know the weight settings of the remaining 4 ECS instances, so we cannot tell what would happen.
  • B. 100% of loads will be assigned to ecs_inst1, and the rest 4 ECS instances will stay idle.
  • C. Based on SLB's working mechanism, approximately 20% of loads will be assigned to ecs_inst1.
  • D. Based on request level parameters of external requests, all requests with a request level parameter of 100 will be transferred to ecs_inst1.
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Suggested Answer: C 🗳️


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4 months ago
Selected Answer: C
C. Based on SLB's working mechanism, approximately 20% of loads will be assigned to ecs_inst1. The weight settings determine the distribution of traffic to backend ECS instances. In this case, you've set the weight of ecs_inst1 to 100, which means it will receive a higher proportion of the traffic compared to the other instances. However, it doesn't mean all traffic will go to ecs_inst1. SLB distributes traffic based on the weight and also takes into account the actual server conditions, such as the health status of the instances. Since you mentioned that all 5 ECS instances are healthy, and assuming no other weights have been explicitly set for the remaining 4 instances, the SLB will distribute approximately 20% of the traffic to ecs_inst1 and distribute the rest evenly among the other instances. This is how SLB's load balancing mechanism typically works with weight settings.
upvoted 2 times
4 months ago
Selected Answer: C
C. Based on SLB's working mechanism, approximately 20% of loads will be assigned to ecs_inst1. The weight settings determine the distribution of traffic to backend ECS instances. In this case, you've set the weight of ecs_inst1 to 100, which means it will receive a higher proportion of the traffic compared to the other instances. However, it doesn't mean all traffic will go to ecs_inst1. SLB distributes traffic based on the weight and also takes into account the actual server conditions, such as the health status of the instances. Since you mentioned that all 5 ECS instances are healthy, and assuming no other weights have been explicitly set for the remaining 4 instances, the SLB will distribute approximately 20% of the traffic to ecs_inst1 and distribute the rest evenly among the other instances. This is how SLB's load balancing mechanism typically works with weight settings.
upvoted 1 times
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A (35%)
C (25%)
B (20%)
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