View MT 004268 -
MT 004268 -
Operative Report -
Preoperative Diagnosis: History of colon polyps
Postoperative Diagnosis: Sigmoid diverticulosis
Procedure: Diagnostic colonoscopy
Anesthesia: IV sedation -
Technique: The patient was brought to the endoscopy suite and placed in the lateral decubitus position. Digital rectal examination was then performed The colonoscope was then inserted under videoscopic visualization with minimal insufflation. The scope went beyond the splenic flexure. The sigmoid colon did reveal some diverticulosis. Further advancement of the colonoscope was unable to be accomplished and did not reach the cecum due to retained stool in the transverse colon. It was decided not to advance the scope further due to poor prep. The colonoscope was then removed and the patient was given instruction to go back after one week for repeat colonoscopy.
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2 months ago