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Some Nice Emails We Received

Here is a collection of our favourite emails we received from ExamTopics users.
Since we are doing this for free, the thank-you and support letters are our fuel for continuing with ExamTopics.

Brad Haverford

I did it!
Thank you Exam Topics for the epic practice test on AZ-900! I had been pretty discouraged prepping for my Exam when I found your website. It wasn't my first time I attempted to pass and I felt a little bit like I had been drowning. The AZ-900 might not be a lot of money for some people but for me, it was expensive, and retaking it hurt! I almost gave up until I found ET. The fact you offer free materials is downright amazing, and really helped me out when I didn't have the cash to buy books and needed more help with some concepts. Thank you so freaking much! I'll be getting a new job soon and couldn't have done it without you!

Steven Fasnacht

Dear Exam Topics Staff, I'm not sure who makes your material, but it was spot on for both the exams I just took. Thank you!
I'm currently breaking into the IT world as a CCCNA and both the exams were a bit over my head. I used your free online practice exams on a whim to see if they could help. After answering about 5 questions, I was sold. They were solid, real-world examples that helped me prepare for the ICND1.
I still needed to use some Youtube videos as well to supplement but your practice exams became the bread and butter of my study time. I just got out of the second exam a few weeks ago (ICDN2) and am now certified as a CCNA! It rocks. In a few months, I went from needing a better job to being able to get one.
You guys were crucial in that experience, so thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jaida Pierce

I'm in community college and attempting to get some insider information in the IT world. I thought getting Linux PDC certified might help. It's simple, quick, and requires passing the 010-150. As a college student though I couldn't afford materials, but I was able to use Exam Topics to prep.
I'm now certified and LOVE it! Couldn't have done it this easy without Exam Topics!

Chance Phillips

Just finished the 70-764! I have a few more exams but your materials helped me immensely. Thank you guys so much! I'm looking forward to finishing my MCSA with the free help that you've offered. It was surprising to see that you didn't charge a fee at all because so many practice exams cost a membership fee just to view. Thank you Exam Topics!

Greg Waller

I am very experienced and was considering CISM Certification. The only thing is, I wasn't sure what that'd look like. It's hard to find materials that actually represent the CISM exam. It's an expensive test and not offered regularly. I was pleased to see your material is offered free of charge because I already put so much on the line to take my CISM exam Finding Exam Topics showed me what to expect now and I'm ramping up to take the exam this year. Keep up the good work guys!

Lara S.

I just wanted to thank you for providing review materials for certifications. I am currently studying the Oracle 1z0-882 exam. I tried researching and applying some of the questions and I provided some feedback. Again I would like to thank you for providing the materials. I didn't know where to start reviewing materials but since I found your site It was very helpful.
Thank you and God bless!

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